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The Clinical Study Of Dietary Management Of NIDDM With Yava(Barley)
Ayurveda has got three fold management of all diseasesi.e. ahar (diet),(exercise) and Aushadha (drug). History of dietetics is very old, which is essential factor for the maintenance of life. It is described in the texts that the intake of proper diet creates advantageous effect and improper diet creates harmful effect in human. According to ayurveda as wellas modern science diet plays an important role in etiopathogenesis of diseases.wholesome and unwholesome diet are responsible for happiness and misery. Disease specific dietary measures are the unique concept of chikitsa.In ayurveda yava is mentioned as a specific diet in Diabetes. NIDDM. (type 2)which is the most prevalent NCD in todays life. Ruksha santarpan dravya as yava is specifically advised by charakacharya in prameha chikitsa . The important pharmacological actions of Yavadrate consumption, is effect on Carbohydrate Metabolism, The role of micronutrients of yava (barley) in diabetic health has now turned out to be an effective mean to avoid as well as to control prameha (Diabetes Mellitus).A properly selected diet plan is important in disease management. The present paper aims at putting forward the importance of yava in the dietary management of NIDDM.