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The Most Important Factors Affecting Profitability of The Top 10 Commercial Banks in Asean
The purpose of this study is to find the most important factors affecting profitability of the top 10 commercial banks in ASEAN over the period 2012 to 2016. Panel data regression employed to identify factors affecting the banks profit. The data consist of macroeconomic indicators and bank financial statements which are collected from various sources. Data analysis was statistically conducted by using Eviews-9 statistical software based upon a fixed effect regression models. The study concluded that bank profitability (ROA) is significantly and positively affected by equity to asset (ETA), but it is not significantly affected by loan to deposit (LTD), investment to asset (ITA) and gross domestic product (GDP), eventhough these three variables have a positive patterns of influence on ROA. Approximately 87.03% of the bank’s profitability (ROA) explained by Loan to Deposit (LTD), equity to asset (ETA), investment to asset (ITA) and gross domestic product (GDP).